After you setup your twitter profile correctly with yesterday’s post, urls, you are now ready for using twitter to its fullest potential. This post is about the retweet or “RT”, also known as the biggest twitter compliment and the best way to grow your twitter followers. The reason I call it a compliment is because when someone retweets you, their twitter followers can then see your tweet posted in their timeline. When someone else retweets your tweets, it maximizes your exposure and it also says that they endorse your content. Not only does retweeting get your tweets seen by more people, but it hopefully turns into more twitter followers as well. If people like the tweets they are seeing retweeted by someone they already follow, they most likely will follow you in return as well.
To make it even easier for others to retweet you on twitter, it is important to shorten your links in your tweets to give the maximum amount of 140 characters possible on a tweet. The other main thing that takes up room on tweets besides URLs are people’s usernames, which are added to tweets that are retweeted.
Try to leave as many characters possible so others will have enough space, but the twitter rule is to leave 11 characters available at least. A tweet is 140 characters or less, so you’ll need to choose your words wisely to use retweets as the best way to grow your twitter followers.
Kevin Owens says
More good stuff. Thanks Adam.
@m_dy says
i think one of the reasons that twitter is so popular AND useful is its definitive brevity. I am much more apt to pay attention to waht someone has to say if its not going to take me an hour to read it…and therefore it can also be used similarly to the headlines in newspapers for blogs to encourage consumption of certain articles, esp for me–i dont have time to read every post by every blogger i follow lol.