Saturday night at Citipointe Church Fort Collins wrecked me.
Aaron talked about Intimacy with God.
It was like those youth camp days when my personal relationship first began with Jesus.
Remember those?
I was reminded…
I will never outgrow that awesome worship service.
I’ll never outgrow that “spot on” preaching.
I’ll never outgrow that altar time.
I’ll never outgrow that alone time with Him on a daily basis.
I’ll never outgrow knowing how good He is.
No matter how far along in my walk that I am.
When’s the last time that you spent with God that you left feeling truly changed?
No joke. I was back at my Grandparent’s church a couple of weeks ago. It’s the church that I went to when I was a toddler, and the one that hasn’t changed since I was a toddler.
But, they played the hymn “Because He Lives”, and it wrecked me. Just that one line did it.
“Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.”
That’s all it took, and that’s all I needed to hear that day.
Last night at our Young Adult church service!!! 🙂
We had a prayer meeting the night before and we all felt the emphasis for the service should be on intimacy with God. scriptures that came up were Psalm 34:8, “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!”, and Psalm 37:4 “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” This was incidentally one of the main Scriptures of our pastor’s sermon. 🙂
And Anton’s sermon was SO INCREDIBLY ANOINTED and inspiring and encouraging!!
And we had a record attendance – in the middle of the exam season!!
And worship took everyone to a whole new level of intimacy with the big G!!
And all our prayers were answered!!
amen bro