Adam Smith | January 11, 2011 | 7 Comments baby girl name Here’s the name we’ve picked out for the little person we’ve called “baby girl”. If you don’t like it, don’t tell me. Can you put it together? ***added: Colbie Wren Smith*** She’s gonna be awesome.
Lollimum says January 12, 2011 at 5:22 am So excited and can not wait to hold her! Bee-u-ful name for Lolli’s bee-u-tiful grand princess who will be here soon! ;-D Reply
Jthompson1 says January 12, 2011 at 5:05 pm You guys are so creative! I can’t wait to hold my sweet little grandaughter! Love MiMi Reply
darylhb says January 13, 2011 at 6:57 am AWESOME name!! May she be such a blessing and delight to you both! Reply
Colby… what kind of bird is that? Hmm…
So excited and can not wait to hold her! Bee-u-ful name for Lolli’s bee-u-tiful grand princess who will be here soon! ;-D
You guys are so creative! I can’t wait to hold my sweet little grandaughter!
Love MiMi
AWESOME name!! May she be such a blessing and delight to you both!
Very cool. Love the puzzle!
I love it! Very cute 🙂