Little sparks start fires. We all want that explosion of creativity. We want that moment to hit us all at once. Unfortunately, creativity is usually the result of a lot of little moments that inspire us toward the creative process.
Many times, the creative process is sparked by a few little words. It may the beginning of a long conversation toward innovation. It may be the beginning of an industry changing brainstorming session. It may be the beginning of an enormous shift in strategy. But, often it all starts with a few little words.
Maybe you need to start one of those conversations this week. It could be a conversation that changes the direction of your business. It could be the conversation that changes the direction of your marriage. It could be the conversation that changes the direction of your parenting. It could be the conversation that changes the direction of your career. But, you need to start the conversation. You have to take the initiative. You have to be intentional.
So, how do you get the ball rolling? How do you get the conversation started?
Here are 9 little phrases that spark creative conversations:
1. What if…
This question is great to get creative feedback on an idea.
2. What would it look like…
This is a great question to add vision to creativity.
3. Imagine…
This is a great statement to get creative juices flowing.
4. How could it be different…
This is a great question to give permission to change the existing situation.
5. How could it be better…
This is a great question to improve the current situation.
6. Let us put our head together on…
This is an invitation to brainstorming.
7. What’s next…
This is a great question to evaluate future direction.
8. What’s missing…
This is a great question to find what is needed, but not yet present.
9. Coffee?…
Always. Works.
What’s the topic?
The truth is that most of us need to start a conversation today. I can’t think of anyone on the planet who doesn’t need to spark a creative conversation somewhere in their life. There is some aspect of your life that needs to be initiated, improved, or even revised.
Who’s the Person?
You need someone involved in the conversation. It could be someone who needs to make some changes. It could be a trusted confidant that will help you make some changes. It could be the right people to make the right changes in your current situation. Find the right person to have a great creative conversation.
When’s the Time?
Now plan a time. It might be over lunch, over coffee, over dinner, or over a conference table in your office. When is the right time? It could be tomorrow. It could be next week. It could be next month. But, you need to be intentional about planning a time and making the conversation happen.
So, what little spark will you use to start that much needed creative conversation?
I’m asking the question, “What’s missing?”. It seems that’s the question I’m asking for every area of life right now. On the other hand, I am also asking, “What can I get rid of?” as well.
Great list! All these encourage us to put our imaginations in gear — one of our attributes which sets us apart from all other creatures.