We don’t lack for information, but wisdom is sorely needed. Leaders face special challenges to living wisely in a world awash with social media.
I recommend you as a leader keep these leadership tips in mind to live wisely and bless people:
-Engage in order to listen to understand. It’s not enough to only hear what was said. What is behind it? What is the deeper question? What is the source of emotion?
-Say less, and say it well. Treasure words and use them as investments in others. In my family we joke about ‘babbling Brookes’, but you must strive to be the person who is respected when he speaks.
-Increase your time for solitude and reflection. This means intentionally stepping away from the noise, the ebb & flow of always checking on social media streams. You must unplug. In ancient times people sought out desert hermits for their wisdom because they had created space to learn what is most important.
-Live in integrity. Let your Yes be Yes, and your No be No. Keep your promises. Be trustworthy.
-Build a gap between stimulus and response. Don’t respond in anger or fear. Don’t let the world pressure you into thinking that an instant response is always required. It’s not an accident that spiritual fathers in many religions will listen to a person for a time, then say, “Come back tomorrow and we will speak again.”
-Focus on “filling your leadership cup” from good sources. There is garbage in this world. Read the best material, watch the best videos. Read the old books that were so good they were worth the difficulty in preserving through the ages. Engage in conversation with wise, mature people. Don’t let stupid stuff, however trendy or entertaining, fill your mind.
What can you do today, however small, to walk more in wisdom yourself?
asmithblog says
I can focus on filling myself of from good sources, today. Working on the book “Thrive”, which is great and reading the Bible is what I’m reading. Definitely good sources. Thanks for the reminder, Glenn.
Glenn Brooke says
Thanks, Adam. I have “Thrive” on my reading list as well.