If you ever meet me and hang out with me for a while, I think you will see more of a straight face with an occasional smile. You probably will not see the bubbly, talkative guy that I think of when I hear the word “joy”. Even though I feel we should all have joy in our lives and be joyful, there is a part of me that just wants to be me.
What does joy look like to you? Is joy an outward expression that should always be present? Or can someone be quiet and to themselves and still be joyous at the same time?
@Unikornsong says
One of the beautiful things of this world is the huge variety of people it has in it. God created it this way, so as the Bible says, it's good. God made you that way, and since he knows what's in your heart, does it matter what other people think? You take pleasure in what you do when you do God's work. To me, that's joy, even if you aren't doing cartwheels, dancing, or being a "bubbly, talkative guy."
@jackalopekid says
Chris Martin says
I would be skeptical to ever equate "the joy of the Lord" with one's talkativeness (new word?). Joy has to do with the hope we find in the cross of Christ.
Lollimum says
The joy of the Lord is my strength. As Prudence referred to earlier, a Bible teacher's wife was sustained through a painful divorce by joy. In the same manner, those of us who have survived and thrived through similar difficulties of this life, did so because of His joy….Therefore, lasting…not laughing, is the true mark of joy, my precious son.
@jackalopekid says
i like it mom
Prudence says
I like what Dusty said, joy is attitude not personality.
On Sunday we had a guest teacher at church. He mentioned joy and described it this way. His wife had been previously married. She went through a very bitter, difficult divorce. She lost everything in the divorce. He said that she told him that despite all of that the Lord filled her with joy. Through the most difficult time of her life she experienced joy.
My recent post Being Blind
@ServingStrong says
Have you read "Introverts In The Church" by Adam S. McHugh? I'm about to read it. Seems like we have a lot in common.
@jackalopekid says
i havent. i guess i gotta pick it up
@jackalopekid says
i like it
@jackalopekid says
I just realized I opened myself up for some judgement
@darylhb says
Just read an article on Relevant Magazine, that is somewhat … relevant – if you'll excuse the pun. 🙂
My recent post Moodswings and Other Things
@newtonhoops says
Hey Adam, Pastor John Lindell, the pastor of James River Assembly, just recently preached a staff chapel on personalities, using the 4 main personality types. sanguine being talkative, and phlagmatic being the opposite of that. both can have joy, they just express it differently. whichever one you are, God created you with a special personality to reach people in a certain way, not everyone is geared to witness to every person they come in contact with, you just have to figure out how you can make your walk fit your personality, if you will. which doesn't mean completely avoiding people, but i think you get the picture. people are what we should be all about, however that works for us.
@jackalopekid says
cool. link?
@jackalopekid says
haha. thanks bro. i'm coming soon. i dont know what the deal is
@ragingrambler says
You come across on Twitter as very joyful and outgoing. I want to ask about the way you phrase everything as 'trying to walk the Christian life.' Do you think that you would be a real SOB if you weren't trying to be nice for Christ's sake? Anywhere I read it, Im always stopped in my tracks. I get it, but I don't get it…
@jackalopekid says
no. its just the Bible really talks about it. just wondering if im going about it all wrong. but, I know a lot of people who aren't Christian who are happy all the time
@rgdecastro says
I remember James (brother of Jesus) encouraging as to consider it pure joy when faced with trials so joy must be an internal thing, contentment and peace.
@jackalopekid says
good point
Michael says
I think you can be both. What I mean is that you can be who God made you and still show the joy. I believe that even if you are not talking, others will still know that something is different about you. That's my take at least…
My recent post God Wants To Put Tomatoes On Your Sandwich
Grant Jenkins says
Good question. I think it's entirely possible to have "the joy" and be a more quiet, reserved person. I actually prefer that to the overly bubbly type. I know quite a few folks that tend to lay "the joy" on a bit thick and it comes across as very fake and learned. There is a balance to all things, and this is one where the individual's personality sets the tone for how said "joy" will be expressed. Solemn joy is joy nonetheless. 🙂
My recent post Fear
@jackalopekid says
yep. its hard for me to believe those folks are actually that happy
@jackalopekid says
good stuff bro
Rita says
I wouldn't make joy out to be some kind of weird state. I believe it's quite simple and involves contentment, a sense of well being and happiness all rolled into one. One can experience this and still not be much of a talker. However, I would think it would be difficult to have the joy of the Lord and it not show on one's face for the most part. I'm not much of a talker (but can bend an ear if I really know you and believe you want to listen) yet I definitely have the joy of the Lord in my heart. Perhaps joy varies from one person to the next. But I'm remembering what this one pastor used to say jokingly, "If you've got the joy of the Lord on the inside, please inform your face."
@jackalopekid says
haha. ive heard that before too. i guess thats what confuses me:)
@jackalopekid says
I just want to say that everything said here on jackalopekid.com is to provoke thought, not to justify my actions to other folks. That's between me and God. The same goes between you and God if you've ever thought about this subject in your own life. I hope u c that. Usually it's just for the reader to know what the heck I'm thinking and so I can be real with the reader, cuz I figure someone else out there has thought the same thing and this hopefully sheds light on the matter. Thanks folks. I just felt like I needed to say that.