You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight. -Jim Rohn
I have been on a Jim Rohn kick lately. He is easily one of the most quotable authors I have ever read. I tweeted this quote from him last week and it seemed to strike a chord with a few people. It is everyone’s desire to be able and change life’s circumstances immediately and not go through the natural process of life. This quote is a great reminder that it isn’t a one step process, but a journey in which we can help determine the amount of time that it takes by changing the direction we are going.
Whether you are at the beginning of changing directions or have been at it for a while, be encouraged today.
Success is coming in your situation; it may just take some time.
Welcome to drive-through spirituality; would you like fries with that?
So long as we feed that mind-set, we’re going to pay for it – but since the destination is out of sight for most, they don’t see the need for changing direction.
Exactly, Rick.
Welcome to drive-through spirituality; would you like fries with that?
So long as we feed that mind-set, we’re going to pay for it – but since the destination is out of sight for most, they don’t see the need for changing direction.
Exactly, Rick.
Great thoughts! Success is a journey and not a destination. Thank you for the reminder.
Absolutely, Dan. And thank you friend!
Great thoughts! Success is a journey and not a destination. Thank you for the reminder.
Absolutely, Dan. And thank you friend!