Improving your concentration increases your productivity and reduces stress. Focusing on your concentration allows you to start focusing on goals and objectives. We all have a vision and that vision is unique to each one of us. Some have visions of building schools in Uganda and others want to prevent the spread of disease. General H. Norman Schwarzkopf told Barbara Walters in 1991, he wanted his epitaph to read that he was a good Soldier who served his country and loved his family. However unique, simple or courageous your vision, there are some basics you should master to create focus in that direction.
Having a Vision Will Inspire Others to Join You.
First, you need to have a vision. It should be the way you want your life to be. It has to be appealing. Sports movies inspired me when I was growing up. I got inspiration from athletes that would overcome great odds. As underdogs, they would achieve greatness and become well-respected.
We can be attracted to many visions. Visions can intersect. Which one is most appealing? Which one makes you happy most of the time? These questions are framed this way because no life is perfect. There will always be challenges and speed bumps. Vision can be found by searching for your purpose and the meaning of your life. If it is not clear, this is okay. For me, it took a long time to figure out. But, once I began to live with more focus it became clear. I heard once that as long as you have a heartbeat you can still accomplish your dreams.
Iceberg Ahead! This is Your Life, Not the Titanic.
Know what your Icebergs are. Icebergs are your core values and beliefs. I use the term iceberg because on the surface it appears small. Underneath the surface it is a large part of who you are and what you believe. These are your worldviews and the way you think things should be. These are not always obvious to us which is where the icebergs come into play. An iceberg can be productive or unproductive. They are usually developed from our influences, education, and experiences. Knowing these values and beliefs will help you make decisions and understand the decisions you make.
Next you should check your current life and make sure it echoes everything we have talked about up to this point? Are you just aimlessly trolling about? Do your decisions mirror your vision and values? If you are like Norman Schwarzkopf, first things first are duty and family. When situations come up that may conflict, do your decisions progress towards your vision and values?
Are First Things First in Your Life?
Once you know where you are, where you want to go, and what is important to you, start taking action towards your vision and goals. By focusing on vision you are better able to accomplish goals.
Much of what we have discussed is about focusing on self and doing analysis. Know your vision, your beliefs, values, where you are, and start taking action that is consistent with these things. You need to be flexible, because life can be surprising. Sometimes we are holding on to the things that prevent us from our vision. Picture yourself water skiing. You have fallen and the boat is dragging you because you are still holding on to the rope. Sometimes you just need to let go, so you can start over and try again.
The water skiing illustration is particularly helpful, Kirby. Nice post.
Thanks Glenn. I appreciate the feed back. It is pretty fun to water ski until you fall. Took me almost a half hour of crash and burn before I figured it out. Then once I got it I had a blast. Unfortunately my legs weren’t feeling so good the next day, lots of soreness.
I agree. That’s such a good way to put it. Never thought about it in that way.
Great post, Kirby. You are right – It is necessary for your vision to be appealing, so that it compels you to go after life with everything you have within yourself.
Thanks Adam. I find that once a person has a vision and they really talk about it from deep within and stop being afraid. People jump on it because it becomes their vision. A lot of the TED speakers are just average people striving to achieve their vision, they aren’t public speakers, most of them. So why do they inspire people, because they are passionate about what they do and thats why they are so good on stage and thats why they are making strides in their industry.
Good reminders, all, Kirby. Most people I know have trouble even beginning a discussion on vision. It’s something they think other people have – big, important people, not people like them. But vision is not only for the wealthy or famous. A clear vision helps the student, the parent, the shop owner, the high school athlete — everyone. Likewise, most people have no idea what their purpose is in life, and feel completely stalled out, frustrated or sad about it, as if not knowing means not having. It might be interesting, if you’re up for it sometime (you or Adam) to write a post about how to assess and find your purpose and to then construct a clear vision around it.
Heck, maybe I’ll write it!
Thanks Erik,
That post could be around the corner sometime in the near future. Still working on mapping out the next series of post.
I believe that if we could all create a vision and communicate it in a way that other people could clearly see it. More people would know where they can help and much more would be accomplished in our lives and the world for that matter. For example, I tell people what I want to accomplish in my life. Though that is not what they ask me. Every time I go to a networking event or a social event and meet new people they ask me what I do, not what I’m trying to do or accomplish. I can’t recall who said it right now but “Start with the end in mind” was really good advice no one uses. I want someone on my team that is wants to accomplish the same things I do or at least in the same ballpark. They got to have something their passionate about and want to achieve thats bigger than themselves.