“How often do you take the time to think about the past?”
It’s a question that I sometimes didn’t see the importance of in the past and I often put it off to be honest. I felt that the future was the only necessary spot to look in times that I needed a way out of a situation, a stepping stone or a new way to go. The future is definitely a great place to focus as well, but we can’t forget about the past.
Let me say that my number one strength identified by the strengthsfinder test I took is “futuristic”, so this is a tough one for me. (The first time I took the test it had all my characteristics out of whack. That’s because I took the test and answered as the person I thought that I wanted to be, not the person that I truly was. My advice for you if you take the test is that you answer the questions as the person that you currently are.)
My drive comes from what could be and what the future holds for us. I definitely don’t spend enough time reflecting. It is such an important part of the creative, spiritual, relationship and planning processes in life that we would be neglecting if we didn’t at least acknowledge the importance of it.
Reflection is important for 4 reasons:
1. It’s important to know where you came from.
2. It’s easy to see a mistake and then you know not to repeat it in the future.
3. Looking to the past can help you find peace in the current situation that you’re in.
4. You have to know your story and how to communicate it to others.
What have you learned from reflection?
Great post Adam. My number one StrengthsFinder result was Futuristic as well, so I struggle with reflection and looking at the past myself. But I try to have a few times a year where I take focused time to reflect on the past, where I’ve been, what goals I’ve achieved and use that to help shape where I’m going.