This is a picture of the gum wall in Seattle, Washington. I would say this is beautiful art in a weird way. This wall started forming by someone sticking the first piece of gum on it, and the rest is history. The gum on the wall was considered nasty at that point, but it eventually grew into something amazing. I guess it’s how you look at it. Some situations you are looking at right now look nasty, but try to see it from a different perspective. There is a process to everything. Your circumstance or situation will eventually be a work of art like this gum wall.
Kimberly Sadlier says
The picture makes me think of a telephone pole we have in downtown Charleston that has gum all over it. Sure doesn’t look as pretty as that wall.
Kim Sadlier says
The picture makes me think of a telephone pole we have in downtown Charleston that has gum all over it. Sure doesn’t look as pretty as that wall.
darylhb says
What a brilliant post, Adam! A great comparison that is super encouraging and inspiring!
darylhb says
What a brilliant post, Adam! A great comparison that is super encouraging and inspiring!
Anonymous says
You can smell it from half a block away, too! It is nasty, but amazing at the same time. Some people had to have stood on anothers shoulders. They go that high!!
Shellie_baylormum says
You can smell it from half a block away, too! It is nasty, but amazing at the same time. Some people had to have stood on anothers shoulders. They go that high!!
Wandab54 says
LIVE LIFE—>Knowing is Power—>Power to all People.
Indeed we think of this as nasty…..but this is gum is well dried so any germs etc a long gone. I see the beauty in this just as I do the graffiti that taggers put across the city. I say rather than focusing on negativity….channel talents….provide venues for these talents….No they aren’t what we call conventional…but if everybody was conventional..we would be lacking much…
Wandab54 says
LIVE LIFE—>Knowing is Power—>Power to all People.
Indeed we think of this as nasty…..but this is gum is well dried so any germs etc a long gone. I see the beauty in this just as I do the graffiti that taggers put across the city. I say rather than focusing on negativity….channel talents….provide venues for these talents….No they aren’t what we call conventional…but if everybody was conventional..we would be lacking much…