Every day we face defining moments. Moments where we are given the opportunity to fight or run from challenges and obstacles that present themselves. Often we only see or consider the easy option before making a final decision. Unfortunately we constantly receive affirmation from the world around us that when things get tough, the best option is to run. Get out. Start over. There is another option.
You always have the ability to stand and fight.
Here are the four decisions you make in a flash that determine whether you will fight or take flight:
- What is at stake here?
- What do I risk by running?
- Is it even worth a fight?
- Will running cause more or less discomfort than fighting?
Like animals, we often allow our decisions to be ruled by instinct, gut feelings and impulse. Put an animal in a situation where they are cornered or in close proximity to a natural predator and what happens? They lash out and try to cut their way out of the situation or they turn heel and run as fast and as far as possible with little regard to what happens to the others around them.
Like animals, humans when faced with a flight or fight moment with rarely choose the more difficult option. Animals will stand and fight if they feel there is no other option or if they feel they have a shot of winning the fight. We do the same thing. Faced with a tough decision in a moment of fight or flight we will turn tail and run if our hide is not at stake. If we feel something of ours is at stake we will fight, but often only half-heartedly…all-the-while hoping that someone or something will swoop in and save us just in the knick of time.
Here’s the problem: The safe option is almost always synonymous with what is easy.
There will come a time when you are faced with making a decision between what is right and what is easy.
Will you be ready?
I have seen more relationships end, more business deals fall apart, and more friendships break apart in these moments than I care to ever remember, and that is just in the 24 short years I’ve been alive.
What a shame.
Do we realize how much we miss out on by not picking a fight?
Bob Goff says, “I want to pick a fight where I can make a meaningful difference somewhere in the world.”
What if we shifted our focus and thinking about the concept of picking a fight? What if we shifted from thinking that picking a fight is a violent and regressive thing to thinking that picking a fight is a productive and healthy thing to do? How would that change our lives?
What if instead of tucking our tails and running from conflict, we embraced it and fought through the hard times that are sure to come our way no matter what we do to try and avoid them?
I’m tired of seeing my generation shy away from a fight. I’m tired of seeing friends and friends of friends take the easy way out. It’s easy to say, “things are too hard, I think I’ll wait for someone (or something else) that will make life easier and less complicated.” It’s harder to say “things are really hard, but I know this is what life is about and the best thing for this situation is for me to fight through regardless of what may come.”
Do you think you have what it takes to fight through? Think back and really examine your life over the last year…have you faced a situation where you chose to run away instead of standing and fighting? Were you disappointed with the results?
I’d love to hear from you in the comments!
Great post here, Daniel! It’s almost always worth a fight!
“Choose the harder right over the easier wrong.” Great comments, Daniel. I think it’s important to pre-decide that you’ll do, because in the heat of the moment we often take the wrong way out. Our children need to see us stand up against the “easier wrong,” too. I was thrilled to see this scene in the movie “The Avengers”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dapip0EHYMI
1. Love that photo! LOL
2. Love this push for us to be fighters. I recently revised my company’s values statement to include the word “grit”. I basically wanted to say that as a company we value the fight in people. You are so right that we often choose what is easy over what is right.Thanks for reminding us to be fighters of a cause! We need more “stick-to-it-ness”.