I just changed my whole organization system. I went from a bunch of important papers thrown into a binder to an electronic folder system in evernote. As for notes, I am between using evernote and pen and paper. As much as I want to go totally paperless, pulling out a pen and paper just feels easier than using evernote all the time. All I have found that comes close to my ideal organization setup is this, so that I can combine my iPad and pen and paper.
This is my Michael Hyatt-esque post 🙂
good points covered james.adrian
Palm Pilot and I am trying to switch over to my Ipod.
very good
I am VERY into orginazation, In my back pack is a first aid kit, a hard plastic clipbored that contains a calcelater, note books, pencils, pens, & pertenet paper info, I also carry books to read in case of bordem, a rain poncho, xtra cigs, tools, bbq lighter ( for candile lighting at church), duct tape, & other small things, on my person I carry 8 knives (two on either side, sheathed) a thermos, my radio, my cigs & phone, on my phone is my scedule, & mobile FB, then on my lap top is also my scedule reminders. so in conclushion even my dog knows where things go & knows to remind me of inportent envents, I run a tight ship of orginasation.
I use my iPod for quick jot notes or reminders on the fly, but at work I'm the QUEEN of post-it notes!!! And although I'd love to go paperless, there's something about writing an idea or an important event on paper that makes me remember it better.
yep. what is it about that feeling? 🙂
I think it's my kinesthetic learning style combined with my visual learning style! I like to see and feel what's going on 🙂