Have you ever thought that you needed to have more discipline in your life? I know I have. The question usually is, “I have finally figured out who I want to be, but how do I get there?” or “Even if I don’t know who I want to be yet, can I be working on something while I am figuring everything out?”
These are the exact moments in life where this eBook came from. It came from my experiences of being in life’s valleys where I didn’t know which way to turn next. I share exactly what areas of focus that I learned to better concentrate on in my life such as goal setting, life transformation and developing a different mindset that will help you see where you are in life right now. This foundation-building eBook will give you important questions to answer as well as a step-by-step action plan to get you headed in the right direction of becoming more disciplined in your own life. In the end it is not only habits that will change, but a different lifestyle is formed and greatness is achieved.
This short, effective read can be used as a assessment tool as well as an action plan to get you to where you have always wanted to be, but weren’t willing to take the necessary steps or just didn’t know how you could achieve discipline in your own life. It is full of content, so you may even want to read it a few times to remind yourself of the helpful action steps in this eBook and keep yourself on track to achieve your life’s biggest goals.
Having discipline in your life doesn’t just have to be a thought, but it can be a reality in your life today.
Ready to begin?
You can get my FREE ebook by subscribing to my blog. After you sign up to receive regular updates, I will send you an email that will let you download, Discipline: The Art of Achieving Greatness.
As a bonus for subscribing, I am sending a weekly newsletter to my subscriber’s email inbox that takes a more in-depth look at each chapter.
Here is what we have covered so far:
Chapter 2 – Your Actions Mean More
Chapter 7 – Relationship With God
Chapter 9 – Relationships With Others
Chapter 11 – Surround Yourself With Belief
Chapter 12 – Be More Intentional
Chapter 13 – Define Your Huge Goals
Chapter 14 – Make Less Mistakes
Chapter 15 – Make A Daily Plan
Chapter 17 – Your Health Is Your Friend
Chapter 18 – Be Honest and Open
Chapter 20 – Believe In Yourself
Chapter 21 – Know What You Are Taking In
Chapter 23 – Eliminate Stresses
Chapter 24 – Happiness Within Your Career
Chapter 25 – Operate In Your Strengths
Chapter 26 – Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Chapter 28 – Be A Good Steward
Chapter 30 – Make A New Commitment
Once you have read Discipline: The Art of Achieving Greatness, please leave a comment below telling me how it has helped you achieve greatness in your life.
I signed up for the ebook. Looking forward to reading it and moving forward in my life. Thanks Adam for the blog. Hope to be able to take stuff away from here and be able to share with my readers as well.
My personality is one that lacks discipline a lot. I am working on it on a daily basis. In fact, today was a good example of it…I was supposed to do certain things and I didn’t get half of them done.
Well, time to go back to get my work done.
🙂 Awesome, John. Thanks so much for checking it out. I look forward to hearing feedback once you are done and seeing what you learn about yourself through the process.
I signed up for the ebook. Looking forward to reading it and moving forward in my life. Thanks Adam for the blog. Hope to be able to take stuff away from here and be able to share with my readers as well.
My personality is one that lacks discipline a lot. I am working on it on a daily basis. In fact, today was a good example of it…I was supposed to do certain things and I didn’t get half of them done.
Well, time to go back to get my work done.
🙂 Awesome, John. Thanks so much for checking it out. I look forward to hearing feedback once you are done and seeing what you learn about yourself through the process.
Hey Adam, I have just finished the book and wanted to let you know my thoughts.
Overall I found it really easy to read, extremely practical a very helpful. There are many things I’ve learnt about myself, other few that I reinforced. I also coul figure out what I’m struggling with (waking up early for sure 🙂 and start taking actions on those. The most important thing was giving me the time and opportunity to take a deep look into myself and ask so many important questions, matters and issues. It’s
incredible how you would think there is nothing new to learn about yourself, until those answers come from inside. Discover what was my worst fear (REJECTION), was extremely helpful on finding resources and ideas on how to deal with it.
I think it would be awesome to have some examples on how writing / putting this book into practice helped you along the way; I mean like there are chapters where you can set an example on how it did it for you. I imagine that moving your whole family to Colorado to plant a church must have been quite a challenge, that would have required lots of discipline to keep it together, do not loose focus while embracing a whole “new world”. It’s difficult when you find yourself surrounded by new relations (while leaving some behind), keep a positive attitude when everything that is new can give your family a lot of headaches.
The most important actions steps I’m taking since last night are:
1) Embrace Rejection as a learning process
2) Relationship with God (long time left aside from my life)
3) Strengthen relations that make me a lot of good but for whatever reason were vanished.
4) Remind myself that my accomplishments are bigger than me.
5) Become a believer in others and give them a lot of positive feedback, since that always works for me.
6) Discover and work on my mistakes to learn and change from them.
7) Make a budget
8) Wake up early
Although there is not a single action that will make someone get more discipline, people will tend to work harder on some steps in detriment of others (Also would point out, since you may feel overwhelmed for so many things to work with, that there is no time, neither specific order to work through those actions steps (that, if you agree with me). I read it in the order I felt most comfortable, starting with the things that I knew where a must start now and leaving the ones I felt I was doing a pretty good job. I think giving that message is important as well.
For me talking to myself, giving me hope, positive reinforcement, letting myself know that I still have much more to improve to cope with a certain task has been a big deal to take me where I’m now.
Lastly, as everything in life is so dynamic, you should encourage people not only to read it once but many times trough life and / or life changing events, because motives, goals, relations, fears, emotions, stress, career…everything changes: So these ACTION STEPS should be review every now and then to keep discipline and achieve greatness.
The most difficult part is not to get there but to maintain yourself at it.
Thanks for such a wonderful trip.
Thank you for reading, Diego. It was written to read and reread as it is a foundation building book for my next books coming out. You have to know where you are to be able to assess and get to work. Thank you again!
Hey Adam, I have just finished the book and wanted to let you know my thoughts.
Overall I found it really easy to read, extremely practical a very helpful. There are many things I’ve learnt about myself, other few that I reinforced. I also coul figure out what I’m struggling with (waking up early for sure 🙂 and start taking actions on those. The most important thing was giving me the time and opportunity to take a deep look into myself and ask so many important questions, matters and issues. It’s
incredible how you would think there is nothing new to learn about yourself, until those answers come from inside. Discover what was my worst fear (REJECTION), was extremely helpful on finding resources and ideas on how to deal with it.
I think it would be awesome to have some examples on how writing / putting this book into practice helped you along the way; I mean like there are chapters where you can set an example on how it did it for you. I imagine that moving your whole family to Colorado to plant a church must have been quite a challenge, that would have required lots of discipline to keep it together, do not loose focus while embracing a whole “new world”. It’s difficult when you find yourself surrounded by new relations (while leaving some behind), keep a positive attitude when everything that is new can give your family a lot of headaches.
The most important actions steps I’m taking since last night are:
1) Embrace Rejection as a learning process
2) Relationship with God (long time left aside from my life)
3) Strengthen relations that make me a lot of good but for whatever reason were vanished.
4) Remind myself that my accomplishments are bigger than me.
5) Become a believer in others and give them a lot of positive feedback, since that always works for me.
6) Discover and work on my mistakes to learn and change from them.
7) Make a budget
8) Wake up early
Although there is not a single action that will make someone get more discipline, people will tend to work harder on some steps in detriment of others (Also would point out, since you may feel overwhelmed for so many things to work with, that there is no time, neither specific order to work through those actions steps (that, if you agree with me). I read it in the order I felt most comfortable, starting with the things that I knew where a must start now and leaving the ones I felt I was doing a pretty good job. I think giving that message is important as well.
For me talking to myself, giving me hope, positive reinforcement, letting myself know that I still have much more to improve to cope with a certain task has been a big deal to take me where I’m now.
Lastly, as everything in life is so dynamic, you should encourage people not only to read it once but many times trough life and / or life changing events, because motives, goals, relations, fears, emotions, stress, career…everything changes: So these ACTION STEPS should be review every now and then to keep discipline and achieve greatness.
The most difficult part is not to get there but to maintain yourself at it.
Thanks for such a wonderful trip.
Thank you for reading, Diego. It was written to read and reread as it is a foundation building book for my next books coming out. You have to know where you are to be able to assess and get to work. Thank you again!
Very great work, Adam! More power to your elbow. I subscribed for your email, hoping to get a compiled e-book and download it (though I may not have had time to read it). However, I get lovely, precise and informative emails every week and I always look forward to reading them. One thing I commend you for is the fact that your writings are laid on solid principles of love and God. And on top of that, you deliver the messages the best way possible: precise and interesting. As a young writer and a believer looking forward to publishing my book someday soon, I couldn’t have a better way of being inspired to be better. Keep it up Adam!
Thanks so much for reading and the feedback. If you ever need anything, you know where to find me. 🙂