I’ve kept my own personal blog for years now. But being my first guest post with Adam’s team here, I thought I’d start with something deceptively simple and fundamental – and yet utterly mind blowing. In fact, I’d be willing to bet good money that most people have never considered what I’m about to say. This means that you are in for a potentially life-altering shift in perception. And that excites me. In all honesty, I get excited every time I think about the truth of what follows.
I trust you will be excited right along with me by the time we’re done here.
Before you continue reading, I’d like you to actually pause and answer a question. If circumstances allow, I’d even encourage you to write down your response to this question. Why? Because exploration is the first step to discovery. Studies prove without a doubt that learners who are allowed to explore a topic – to try solving it based on what they already know or believe – experience deeper learning and memory. And in order to really grasp and master a skill, we have to define terms and understand core purposes and goals.
Here’s my question:
What is the purpose of language and communication?
Take a moment to answer this foundational question now. Then continue reading.
My head gets all scrambled when I ponder what babies must be thinking all day. We are all aware that they have not yet developed language with which to communicate to others. But this also means they don’t have a language system in place to communicate even to themselves. So how do they remember anything, if their brains can’t store the words? When they see a yellow rubber ducky and squeeze it and make it squeak, they aren’t thinking “yellow” or “ducky” or “squeak.” So what are they thinking?
One would be hard pressed to read in a lifetime all of the research and theories on this topic. For now, we’ll let that question hang, shrouded in mystery (or perhaps, for some, frustration). My goal is to point out that somewhere between birth and now, we’ve developed an increasingly complex system of making noises with our mouths that allows us to store images, sensations and emotions in an organized way. Then we learned a system of writing lines and curves that either remind us of those sounds, or link directly to the non-verbal information (or both), and allow us another way to store those images, sensations and emotions.
Does anyone else find this as astounding as I do?
The right hemisphere of our brains stores, in essence, what babies experience: pictures, impressions, movements, sensations, music and rhythm, emotion, humor and more. The left hemisphere stores words and rote facts (like 6 x 8 = 48), and helps us make logical connections (ever wonder how babies figure out that a flat cartoon line drawing of a “dog” in a book is the same thing as the living, breathing animal when the two are almost nothing alike?). Together, the two hemispheres work together. In short, words are stored for the pictures and the pictures then elicit words.
So how did you answer the question I posed above? What is the purpose of language and communication?
The simple answer is this: language and communication exist to allow telepathy.
Mind reading.
No, I’m not kidding.
Language and communication exist to allow telepathy. Share on XRead the following words of mine and see what happens:
I see a shiny red apple with an irregular patch of dull green at the top around the stem.
And there you have it. I’ve proven that we are both, in fact, telepathic. In my mind, I was holding an image of a shiny red apple with an irregular patch of dull green at the top around the stem. And I was able to transfer that image into your mind almost instantaneously.
I told you that you’d be amazed.
Oh, I see. You think I cheated. That’s not telepathy, you’re protesting with a roll of eyes and wagging of head. You just told me what to picture!
Uh huh. And why do you think that does not constitute telepathy?
Is either of us looking at a real apple right now? I’m not. Are you?
We aren’t in close proximity to one another. I’m at my desk, and I don’t know where you are. But I’m certain you are not here and that I am not there.
Furthermore, it is absolutely true that I was holding an image of said apple in my mind, all the way over here at my house. Then, not by random chance, but according to an act of will on both my part and yours, your mind absorbed and held the same image that my mind had formed. How is that not telepathy?
I think we are routinely dulled to the immense wonder that we have in language. In essence, language and communication exist as a means of thought transference. Telepathy. Causing pictures and ideas to hop from one mind to another.
Let the magnitude of that sink in. We are mind readers. Why do we find it any less wondrous due to the fact that we happen to utter noises or make a series of curves and lines while we’re doing it?
Yet for some reason, though endowed with this freakish power to transfer detailed information between ourselves and other people, we go about not using this ability with the other telepaths all around us — at least not anywhere near our potential.
We just … talk. And “just talking” is wasting incredible opportunities.
Consider the magic and wonder of communication as we continue over the course of the next several posts. More specifically, consider what it means to you and how you might better be able to harness and develop this magical power of yours for increased effectiveness and greater good.
Hey, speaking of communication, telepathy and all that jazz – you already know I’m Erik and that I’m a writer, among other things. Would you send your brainwaves my way and introduce yourself in the Comments section below? The only way I’ll become acquainted with you is if you choose to use your magical communication powers to let me. I’m big on the importance of names, and I’d love to know who I’ve just been mind reading with.
Let’s consider multiple languages. Yesterday I learned one of my colleagues was born in Albania, lives in Spain today, and is fluent in 5 languages. We can, as you say, “read one another’s minds” by conversing in English. But if he spoke and wrote in Albanian I would instantly cease to be a mind reader.
The counterpoint is that humans have the capacity to do this same level of communication in multiple systems. We can, and many millions do, continue to learn and converse in multiple languages. We can even translate between them, and through machine learning teach computer systems to translate between them.
Glenn, I reference exactly this frequently. I myself am fascinated with world language and communication, speak five languages, and have a bookshelf crammed with about ten others I’m “planning to get to.” It drives me crazy that I can’t use my telepathic powers with every single person in the world, because of the limitation. It is an excellent case for both learning a second (or third or fourth) language to broaden the scope of our “superpowers,” as well as for mastering one’s native tongue. We can speak in our own language and STILL manage not to transfer our brain images, emotions or intentions accurately unless we do (therein lies the source of many an argument, and even wars). And that is just my intent in future posts: to contribute to the discussion and real skill set involved in the process of continually honing our mind-reading capabilities.
Even without common language, by exercising patient and mutually focused intent, we can still use other forms of communication to relay our images, emotions and intent. I love when this opportunity and challenge presents itself! For instance, through eye contact, facial expression, gestures, charades, drawings, etc., we certainly can still manage pretty amazing levels of thought transference; it just takes longer and doesn’t allow the same level of fine tuning.
Thanks for reading and expounding upon the ideas here. You’ve got me wanting to brush up on some Russian today!
I love the image you paint of communication being “telepathy.” I’ll be borrowing this illustration when speaking to teens and young adults–as I think this illustration will resonate well with them. I’ve often described “communicating” as a way of creating intimacy or “in-too-me-see.” Communication allows others to peer into our inner worlds. And, it also allows them to “read our minds.” Thank you for another excellent word picture to add to my tool chest!
Thanks for using your own communication and language skills well – not only here and now, but ongoing. You are contributing to the clarification of many people’s ideas, toward living happier, healthier lives.
Great first communication post, Erik! You’re correct in that I’ve never considered looking at communication in this way. I am pondering your line “We just … talk. And ‘just talking’ is wasting incredible opportunities.” We are taught that communication is just this from a very young age. This is a good post to show just how important it is to be deeply engaged in others.
Thanks, Adam. I am always amazed at the volume of words that get exchanged that don’t result in actual exchange of ideas, from rote greetings with pat replies, to jargon designed to make the speaker seem smart while alienating the listeners, and more. Using language and communication for effective telepathy requires shared intent by both the speaker (or writer) and listener (or reader). Otherwise … it’s just “talking” and “hearing” in their base forms. More on this in coming weeks!
I appreciate your encouragement.
Интересная идея и представление, Эрик. Спасибо за статью.
Let me continue in English, so as not to confuse others. I think the idea and concept of telepathy as the purpose of language and communication is interesting. However, I can’t help thinking there is a greater one. Transfer of emotions, images and thoughts by the means of language as well as other non-verbal and non-textual communication (eye contact, gestures, movements, drawings) cannot be the end purpose. What I think both you Erik and Jed are starting to touch upon is the idea of connection between humans. Communication is about connecting around something common, mutual. Language helps articulate what it is that links the individuals together.
И мой благодаря Вам, Артему, за показание и за то, что давать ваши собственные мысли.
(Please forgive any mess I may have made in my attempt to be telepathic in Russian, my friend!)
In a perfect world where all intent were good intent, Artem, I absolutely agree. In other words, this should be the goal of communication and language. However, unfortunately, I do believe and have observed the clear use of language and communication to telepathically communicate hatred, ridicule, discouragement and negativity; and some people manage to be quite effective at it. They are still communicating clear images, emotion and intent – all while choosing to alienate rather than connect.
But I am with you! My goal personally and through this blogging opportunity will always be to encourage and foster opportunities for positive connection and community – which we are now doing!
Again (in English this time), thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts, and for choosing to be a positive part of our own little community here. I was excited to log-in and be greeted in Russian today!
Upon reading this I had a thought that sometimes maybe we can communicate ideas telepathically with facial expressions especially those of emotion,no?
Absolutely, Bob. If you haven’t yet, you should check out my post on non-verbal communication BY CLICKING HERE.
Thanks for dropping by and really taking part!
I pictured the apple exactly as you described it,right down to the shining reflection of light in the upper right hand corner.Oh,I think I just did it,didn’t I?
Perfect, Bob! If only everyone were like you and really did these exercises, they’d all find themselves more self-aware and excited about the power of communication.