Today at lunch I met with someone to talk about different charities and how things could improve. We were discussing the differences that could take place if churches didn’t spread out all of their resources between every country known to man, but instead focused all their resources on just one country at a time. It seemed to us that if one country was being helped in a big way, then others would start taking notice. Then, switching the focus to a different country every two years or so seemed reasonable.
Do you think that charities should focus on one country at a time or is it better for them to spread money, time, effort, etc. between different countries?
Kevin_Martineau says
I think we need to focus our energies on the charities that are actually doing the work and making a difference. There are way too many charities that aren't really doing anything or they are duplicating services.
Great question to think about!
jackalopekid says
hey good stuff. thanks man
Zombie_Plan says
Say you have 3 people hanging on a cliff for dear life. You have the power to either pull one up and risk the others falling, or keep all three hanging so as to prevent them falling.
Which would you rather do? Personally, I'd try to keep them all from falling until it becomes possible to get them all to safety. That'd be what all the churches do by spreading the wealth?
jackalopekid says
very true. hmm…
David says
An travelling evangelist from Fiji told the story of how when God called him to mission work, He told him to first make sure every single household in Fiji had been given the opportunity to receive the gospel. So before they spread out across the globe, his team spent 3 years visiting every household in the nation, and they still have full time people following that up
I think there's something in that for all mission field workers…do the work God calls you to do thoroughly – don't blow in and out again. It's the 'teach a man to fish' principle. When Paul was travelling, he had that regular follow-up. Mission work (charity work) needs to be long-term…until the need is met.
All the best with your last few days in Atlanta too Adam 🙂
jackalopekid says
thank you so much. very awesome way to think about it
Shana Poisel says
I think focusing on one country at a time would only work if each country was the in the worst shape at the time when it was chosen. And therein lies the problem … how do we choose? What requirements would each country have to fulfill before they can be considered? Who would do the choosing? How would we get all churches across the country to agree?
I agree with the above comments about letting God doing the leading. We just need to give whatever He tells us our best shot.
jackalopekid says
some more good points.
Marcus Williamson says
If we all focus then many countries/charities would be reached. So true word on that bro. I always wonder about stuff like this.
jackalopekid says
yeah me too
@gidgey says
Each church should follow God's direction. He works in many ways; never the same.
jackalopekid says
very true.
Jojo Agot says
no one can organize that kind of thing. churches, charitable organizations and other para-church organizations have their own plans and purposes. they do as they felt led by God so I don't think it is possible at all.
@gidgey is right, each church should follow God's direction. i think this is more effective since we will be reaching diverse people groups all at the same time.
jackalopekid says
good points there