I love thinking about new business ideas. My mind is always racing through different ways that business can be formed around missed opportunities or evolve beyond their existing form. This happens to a lot of people, and I’m sure you have thought of one or two recently.
Any business idea is going to be based on some other company’s way of doing things. However, the actual steps taken are the unique aspect, which is often the hardest part.
What if you can apply creative approaches to creating and running a business? What are some of the simple but important places in a business plan where even small creative changes can make a world of difference? Take a look below to get a few ideas on where to start.
Products and Services
Every business needs to have something to sell. It could be a physical (or electronic) product as small as a toy or as large as a car. Or, it could be a service like accounting or teaching. If you are already selling something, how about thinking about what else your customer needs? Maybe a complimentary product. If your company sells candles, why not look at selling candle holders, or maybe nice small end tables to display them on. If you already offer a writing service for a website, maybe look at other areas of their online presence you can help out with. It’s not always obvious how to expand the core offerings of a business, but that’s where the creative side comes in.
Advertising and Marketing
Every business needs to get the word out to their customers. Whether that’s through active advertisements (like TV or Facebook ads) or just word of mouth, advertising is critical. How you accomplish an effective advertising campaign is entirely up to you.
Think of some of your favorite or most memorable campaigns and you will get a sense of just how varied the options are. What are some of the ways you can think to adjust your messaging slightly? Are there customers that you are not even thinking of reaching yet?
Customer Service
One of the most often neglected sides of business is the customer service aspect. Everything doesn’t always go to plan, and how a business responds could make or break it. There are always horror stories of companies that have terrible customer service and the only reason they still have customers is because there aren’t any reasonable alternatives. But in the case that there are alternatives, customers would switch in a heartbeat. You don’t want to be in that position.
Are there ways you could beef up your customer service systems to make sure that no one slips through the cracks? Can you find areas within your business to improve so that fewer customers end up contacting customer service in the first place?
Even if you’re not a business owner, you can still influence change in your organization. In doing so, you may even find golden opportunities to advance above and beyond your current responsibilities and show your true creative capabilities.
I love how you take things that people are already doing and help them make it better. Love all three points, but the new products and services and customer service points are so important! This is a great point – “If you are already selling something, how about thinking about what else your customer needs? “