Life will pass you by if you don’t take the time to embrace moments. You need to capture a captivating story. Donald Miller encourages this in his book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: How I Learned to Live a Better Story and since I read it, I have been trying to do this more often. Apps like Evernote make this much easier to document by text and attaching a photo to it so you can remember moments better and tie it to a date.
I realized how important this is and that we needed to take more notice when we had Colbie. She is now 3 years old and there are a lot of things in the first year of her life that we have a tough time remembering because we simply didn’t take time to capture them. In my own life, I also didn’t take time to capture what happened 10 years ago, because I simply didn’t see it as important. But, if we don’t take the time to write it down, time and our life will pass us by leaving us no trace and no special moments to remember. There are many books out there that capture the feel of the times and let us see into a window of time. When moments are captured, this allows us to catch a glimpse into the lives a previous time.
Apply this to your own life.
If your life was a book, would people want to read it?
Would people be captivated by your story?
Would people want to know more about the main character, you?
When we live life for making life full of special moments, we write a captivating story. When we make our own lives about the lives of others, we create a legacy that will be read about for years to come and shared with others. Once you live your life this way, capturing your story will not only be easier, but more fun to live and tell others about. Everyday is a sentence added to your book that make up your chapters of life. Make your story count and make it captivating, today.
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