I personally know six couples who are about to get married. That seems like a lot of weddings, flower girls, pictures, and a lot of uncomfortable people. I remember when Jasmine and I got married. It felt like I was going into something blind. I definitely had no idea what I was doing, but we knew we wanted to be with each other. And that was enough. After we were married I began to realize that I had no clue, so I went out and bought a ton of marriage books. I figured I needed as much help as I could get from people who knew more about marriage than I did. I probably should have bought the books before diving into such a commitment, but as you might already know, we eloped. We actually discussed the plan over dinner and the next week we were, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. That crazy deal happened six years ago and we’ve been happy ever since. Yes, this does mean that I will tell my kids that it is okay to elope. I wish I could tell you about some crazy proposal I came up with, like popping the big question while flying in a hot air balloon over Niagara Falls while playing jazz flute, but that didn’t happen. Through our marriage, I have learned that the most important thing is making time for each other. It may be difficult to make that happen all the time, but that is where being intentional comes in. That is the best advice I have for the six newlywed couples.