that’s sometimes a weird word to discuss.
some people use “I feel called” to make everyone around them feel ok with the decision they made.
some people use “I don’t feel called” to get out of things, like getting out of cooking for church potlucks and being in charge of youth lock-ins.
there’s those people that know exactly what they’re supposed to do, there’s the folks that think they know, there’s the people that have no idea and then there might be those that never find it.
i don’t know about that last one.
your calling is usually something you are good at and that you enjoy doing.
everybody i’ve ever met wants to know what their calling is so they can head towards that goal.
this way you can get the stuff that you’re not good at or not called to do out of your life and concentrate on your strengths.
it’s just easier when you have a goal in sight.
a tool i’ve found that is pretty useful to at least get you started in the right direction is the strengthsfinder test.
you get an access code when you purchase the book, strengthsfinder 2.0 from tom rath.
the book does state that it wasn’t necessarily created to help you with your career decision, but it does help you make the most of the career you’re already in.
the first time i took the test the results were:
i’m actually taking this test again because it’s been a while since i’ve taken it.
i also think that the first time i took the test, i answered some questions the way that i wanted to be as a person, not the way i really am.
so, have you taken this test?
do you know your calling? if so, what is it?