In this season, I am reminded of the most important relationship we all can have; our relationship with Jesus. I have been struggling with writing on relationships for this blog, my blog and book. I don’t want to write simply about relationships for shares, retweets and hits. I desire for myself and for others to be changed into the image of Jesus Christ. We have been given this amazing opportunity to influence others. I would imagine if you are on Adam’s blog that you are looking to better your life in some way.
It is Christmas time and we often forget about the Christ in Christmas. We have turned the celebration of Jesus’ birth into a time of profit with self-serving agendas. As we invite people over for Christmas dinner I am challenged regarding how to make sure that our dinner is full of worship and not just a social gathering in the name of Christmas. I don’t want those whom we invite or even my husband and I to forget Christ on Christmas.
If you are like myself, then the new year brings around a lot of reflections and desires for the next season of life. As the year turns, so do our hearts. We regret what we didn’t fulfill and we make goals of what we would like to fulfill. During service on Sunday my Pastor brought up a key to progress. He encouraged us not to wait until the new year to forge change in our lives, but to do it starting today.
Over the last two months, I have been intensely reordering my life. During this season I am continually reminded that the most important relationship is my daily relationship with God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I want to be successful in life, however my plans cannot compare to the plans that God has for me. Proverbs 19:21 states, “Many plans are in a man’s heart, But the counsel of the Lord will stand.”.
This Christmas don’t just give gifts, but thank the One who was and is the gift. Jesus Christ should be our focus. The closer we are to Him, the better all of our relationships will be. If you don’t know Jesus, there is no time like the present to ask Him to show you Himself. I am sure that this blog isn’t what you expected to hear concerning relationships, but He is the one who makes all of our other relationships worth having.
Relationships have their ups, downs, highs and lows, but our relationship with Christ will keep us anchored during it all.