Recently an incident with a NFL player, Ray Rice, brought to the forefront the issue of domestic violence. If you haven’t heard the news, just Google “Ray Rice video”, and you will find a very graphic video of a sad display of domestic violence and how some men actually treat women.
I can only imagine if someone treated my wife, my mother, my daughter, or my sister with anything less than the utmost respect, let alone physically hurt one of them. Fortunately, physical abuse is not the norm in relationships, but our wives, daughters, mothers and sisters can be hurt in other ways.
Our jobs as men is to love our wives as Christ loved the church, to honor our mothers, treat our daughters like a heritage from the Lord, and treat our sisters as more precious than jewels.
One man has taken it upon himself to share the way he believes women should be viewed and treated by men. It’s this man’s promise to women, and something that many other men should practice as well. Enjoy!