It is always the quality of time you spend with your life, rather than the amount of time you have to spend, that makes the biggest difference in the lives of others. Think about this. When you are with family or friends, do you feel more connected after sitting at a table with them not having much to say or when you are having deep meaningful conversation with them? Of course you feel closer with other people when you have the latter. Now, tie any sort of time frame to either the amount of time you have to spend with people or the quality of time that you spend with people, and the amount of time becomes a lot less important when you have an abundance of quality time with people. Actually, the quantity becomes a whole lot less important. What does matter is that you are finding each and every opportunity you have with people to bring quality out of it.
Here are the three top ways you can bring quality out of every moment that you spend with others:
1. Stop focusing on the amount of time you have with people.
I am guessing that your schedule is pretty tight. Same here. With my schedule, I used to look at the amount of time I had to spend with someone, but I have changed my view on that common misconception. It is more about quality than quantity when it comes to your time. Give some time for this to sink in. Now, let’s take a second to see how this works in our lives. If you have two hours with someone, is it easier to just let the time go? Or, if you have just ten minutes with someone, are you more apt to squeezing every second out of your time with them? I would offer that it doesn’t matter how much time you have with someone, but it does matter that you are taking every moment you have to truly care about others. If it is 15 or 30 minutes that you have with someone, it isn’t saying that you only have that short amount of time with them, but it is seeing the huge opportunity you have with that 15 or 30 minutes to bless others. Use the time you have to get to know other people in a more personal way. Use your time wisely instead of looking at the amount of time you have, as it is the most important possession we all have.
2. Go into your time with others knowing what you want to give the other person.
Notice that I didn’t say to know what you want from the other person, but instead bring to each relationship what you have to bless others. It all goes back to being intentional with your time, and the number one priority you have with your time is the time you put into your relationships. If you know of a need that another person has, equip yourself going into your time with the other person to fill that need. Don’t throw away your time by not being there for others, but instead be aware of the needs around you. This is another way to be more intentional with every second you have in your day.
3. Stop letting distractions get the best of you.
Whether we are talking about phone calls, emails, texts, the internet, television, or any other distractions that tends to creep into your life, those are the things that rob us from the intentionality and purpose we need to bring to every one of our relationships. Distractions of any type are the things that get in the way of strengthening relationships with people and we have to fight against them to truly build our relationships to where they need to be. The need for each and every one of us to pour into the lives of others is great, so we have to be more intentional with focusing on what matters most. People matter, so don’t let silly distractions be the thing that keeps you from giving your quality time to others.
It is these three things – focusing on the quality of time you spend with people, rather than the amount of time you have to spend with people, going into your time with others knowing what you want to give the other person, and not letting distractions get the best of you – that will push you to make a bigger difference in the lives of others, today.