Leaders need to ask themselves if they are too proud
- To recognize the need for change or that a new way is better
- To consistently return to the basics
- To listen carefully to another point of view
- To acknowledge that you need to practice and rehearse
- To get help or to ask for help
- To delegate work to others so they can build their skills and experience
- To give others more credit than you and take more blame than them
- To allow someone older/younger be in charge
- To believe you could be wrong, even completely wrong
- To accept that social/business/political/technology changes are dramatically transforming the world
- To acknowledge that you have settled for less than your best
- To hire people better than you
- To develop people to become better than you
- To consider criticism as a gift
- To read old books and biographies
- To accept that history didn’t begin when you arrived on the scene
- To teach others your best skills and share your best insights
- To reject a zero-sum strategy in favor of a win-win-win experience
- To call out and build upon the strengths of others
- To be filled with gratitude
- To lead even when you don’t “feel like it”
- To strive to strengthen your weaknesses and improve in spite of your flaws
- To release the need to always get recognition and credit
- To have a healthy sense of your progress without believing you’ve “arrived”
- To see struggle and challenge as an adventure