This episode may not be what first comes to mind when thinking about the idea of giving. Maybe you thought that financial resources were all that you can give, but there is so much more to life than that. You have resources to give right now, no matter where you are at today:
1. Time
How can you give more time to others in your day? Time is just as important as money, if not more important. You have some time to give, so make it count. Who can you pour your time into this week to make a difference in? How can you use your time effectively this week to show love? Your time matters.
2. Emotionally
Who needs you this week emotionally besides your family? Who do you need to uplift this week who recently went through a tragedy? Who can you listen to this week who needs a friend? Give yourself emotionally to people this week and lift others up through their trials. Be a friend to someone.
3. Physically
When I am talking about physical resources, I am talking about work. How can you bless others through your work this week? How can you go above and beyond expectations at your place of work and give more this week?
4. Financial
This might be where your mind went first when you saw the title of this podcast. The thing is it doesn’t have to be huge. You can see a need and fill a need with $5 or less. I promise it’s the thought that counts.
Giving of your resources is a principle that works, because it is always given back to you, but that’s not why you do it. It works because it blesses other people. Giving changes things. It opens doors into the lives of others, takes the focus off of you, and puts the focus where it belongs; on others.
Use your time, emotional resources, physical resources and financial resources to bless others this week.