It is easy to be swayed by all sorts of outside influences on what your opinion with a certain topic really is. Knowing who you are and what you believe when you get around people with strong opinions or when you read something that goes entirely against what you believe helps cut out all of the gray areas and this is what keeps you knowing who you really are. When things look more black and white or when you clearly know wrong from right, standing firm is easy.
Photo Credit: Bert Kaufmann via Compfight cc
But if not careful, it is also easy to stay neutral. It is easier to just keep your mouth shut when facing something you know you should speak up about that is not the popular opinion. But, when you don’t pick a side, you end up getting lost in the noise. You have a voice and an opinion waiting to be heard. Now, this doesn’t mean to be pushy or arrogant with what you believe, but it does mean to deliver truth with graciousness.