I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but my new book comes out this month! On May 30th, you’ll be able to go to your local bookstore and buy “The Bravest You”. I can’t wait for you to read my first book–a book that took me three years to create. I believe in it and I put a lot of work in it, so of course, I want to get it in as many hands as possible. This being said, I want to remind you about the pre-order promotion that is being offered.
From now until May 29th, when you pre-order my book and email me your receipt, I will send you a bunch of freebies. This includes the introduction to “The Bravest You”, my new exclusive eBook “Lead with Purpose”, a three-part video series that you won’t find anywhere else, and the book proposal format I used to get a book deal with Penguin Random House—a $2,600 value—for free.
Alright, that’s all I have for today. Thanks again for reading and being a part of this adventure. I couldn’t do this without you. And for those of you who have already pre-ordered, thank you for trusting me enough to order it without seeing the final work. It means a lot.