How many times have you hit walls during your journey and wanted to quit? Maybe you are there now. But before you are stopped in your tracks, take a moment to actually see what you can control in the situation you are in and have a different perspective on it.
Now, you might be in a situation that is out of your control, but I am sure there is one thing out of this podcast you can apply to your life and see things differently. Here are four things that are well in your control that you need to evaluate and move forward:
1. Your attitude.
If you are going through something rough right now, I can guarantee that the last thing you want to hear is that you can control your attitude. Sometimes we can convince ourselves that having a bad attitude towards things and people will somehow “show them”.
2. Your outlook on life.
Things aren’t usually as bad as you see them. You can change your perspective by seeing your current circumstances in a different light. Take a moment to use positivity in each area of life that you could use more of it in. Cut the negativity and think on what brings joy.
3. What you consume.
When you feed yourself with junk, that is usually what ends up consuming you and is spilled out onto others. We have talked about it in a previous episode, but it really is that important. I also believe that we can never be reminded of this simple truth enough. Good in, good out. Junk in, junk out. Start filling up with more positive, life-building thoughts and begin making a bigger difference.
4. The impact you make in the lives of others.
You were put here to make a difference. Now, act like it. I am convinced you can do more for other people no matter what you are doing right now. This is what really matters.
So, how are you doing in these four areas? Maybe you are doing great in all of them or maybe the opposite. Maybe you need to apply one or all of these to your life and begin to see life differently. Know what is in your control, today.