We often ignore the wounds that we have. We cover up our wounds very well, but we miss the grace of God when we cover our wounds. Our wounds are for healing.
After living with one of my best friends for three years, God reshaped my understanding of God’s ability to divinely orchestrate opportunities for all of us to be formed into His image. Regardless of your past, we all have wounds. Our parents, childhood friends, relatives and/or teachers have all create wounds in our hearts at some point in our lives. We are all destined to hurt another person at some point in our lifetimes. However, it was never God’s intention for us to live wounded and shameful.
The great physician Luke told a story of the good Samaritan in Luke 10. A man was robbed and left for dead by robbers on his way to Jericho. A priest passed him without stopping, a Levite walked past and did nothing, but the Samaritan stopped and helped the man. The Samaritan felt compassion for the man. The man bandaged his wounds and poured oil on them. The Samaritan took care of the man as though he was his family. He knew that the man had been badly injured and was in need of care. The priest and Levite had no compassion on the man. The beaten and wounded man was seen as dirty and contaminated in their cultures. However, the good Samaritan saw a person in need and came to his rescue.
If you are like me, then you have A LOT of wounds. I am not one with a wound or two. I have thousands of wounds that I am not even aware of. A physical doctor would get tired of patching up all the wounds in my heart. Once one is healed, another would immediately appear.