The negatives of Amazon and Wal-Mart are all lost in the amount of time that these companies save their customers. With Amazon, the convenience of shopping online far outweighs the one to three days that it takes for products to show up on the doorsteps of shoppers. And then, if you need something immediately, Wal-Mart is typically the best solution, as they have almost everything you need in one physical location. And to compete even more with Amazon, they recently purchased, but it will take some time to see just how much advantage this brings to Wal-Mart. Anyway, say what you will about their business practices; the reason that these companies are both still alive and well is that they make shopping more convenient for consumers, a practice that many businesses should take note of. [Read more…] about Amazon vs. Wal-Mart: Time, Money, and Service
Why Imagination Will Power the Future
The overwhelming majority of scientific evidence points to the fact that the Earth is warming up, and human activity is the main culprit. Agriculture productivity, biodiversity, and sea levels could be seriously affected – and not in a good way – if this problem isn’t taken care of soon. While countries and private organizations are trying to implement green energy solutions to halt global warming, this isn’t enough. What we need is more imagination and outside-the-box solutions, because the current way of doing things is unsustainable.
The idea that the natural environment is a resource that we should exploit has its roots in Enlightenment philosophy. Prior to this, people had a much more respectful relationship with nature. It’s no coincidence that the start of the industrial revolution, with all its pollution, followed closely on the heels of the Age of Enlightenment. Today, we’re still thinking about the Earth in outmoded terms from hundreds of years ago, but the planet can’t wait indefinitely for us to get our act together.
You Will Never Have More Time Than You Do Right Now
Time is precious.
I have learned this important piece of knowledge through marriage. I have learned this from when we had Colbie and she is now two, going on three years old and I have no idea where that time went. I have learned this through putting off dreaming and pursuing goals by saying that I would do it “someday”.
“Someday” will keep you from reaching your full potential faster than any other word that you will ever speak out loud.
If you want to become more successful, then you will continue to get busier. You will have more obligations, have more kids, there will be job promotions, there will be more responsibilities that will come your way. Bypassing these life experience isn’t an option. Don’t listen to the lie of “someday”. Now is the best moment of time that you will ever have.
The great thing in this for you is that you know the excuse of doing it “someday” will be tempting to listen to, so you get to prepare for it. Here are six ways to cut “someday” out of your vocabulary and begin making enough time to pursue dreams now, instead of later…
1. Be on the same page with your team.
Communicate to your family, friends and team of people what you want to achieve and receive accountability from them. Realize that you aren’t alone in your journey.
2. Surround yourself with people who motivate you to be better and believe in yourself.
I have been around people who motivate and people who tear down. Believing in yourself is one thing, but when others do as well, it is contagious and the motivation that you sometimes need to make it through the valleys. Believe that you are not stuck where you are and that you can create momentum to move forward and toward making your dreams happen.
3. Be honest about your present circumstances.
Having a positive outlook is one thing, but being honest with yourself about your most valuable resources such as time and money is important. If it isn’t there, then you have to find ways to increase the factors that you need to make it a success.
4. Make a plan.
Know where you are going so you are aware of your progress.
5. Realize that choices matter, stop making excuses, take responsibility and create better habits.
Make the choice to win, stop putting it off, know that you are where you are because of you and understand that achievement starts in your daily habits.
6. Go for it.
That’s it. Stop making excuses. Make some mistakes along the way, but celebrate your successes. Whatever your dream is, go all out to make it happen. Don’t wait for that day you think you are “ready”, because that day will never come. Conquer your fears and step out.
What is it that you want to achieve?
Do you want to help those around you?
Do you want to begin writing more?
Do you want to start a movement?
Do you want to build a business?
Do you want to climb Everest?
Do you want your ideal career?
Whatever it is, don’t let “someday” be your first thought.
TODAY is a better choice.
You will never have more time than you do right now.
What is one thing that you want to achieve? Is “someday” keeping you from being who and what you need to be?