I can’t believe that I’ve never written a post on cussing before, so I guess it’s time.
Oh, and I will write the word “cuss” too many times in this post.
Cussing was always off limits to me when growing up. My parents definitely led by example because I don’t think I ever heard them say a cuss word. If they did, maybe it was done in private. On the other hand, my grandmother, which we called “Nana”, thought it was hilarious to say a cuss word from time to time.
Oh and it was.
She said that saying a cuss word was something that her parents sometimes did to lighten the mood. She liked to show us how that worked.
Her favorite cuss words had to be sh*t & damn.
You see, since we weren’t allowed to say cuss words, hearing those would make us all laugh. They just sounded funny. Probably not funny to most of you, but it still makes me laugh.
And if you knew my Nana, then you know she should’ve been Saint Nana. Definitely the most Christ-like person I’ve ever known. I’m pretty sure cussing doesn’t make or break you.
It seems you have two sides on this topic. One says what you say shows what’s in your heart, so you shouldn’t say cuss words. Maybe that shows that there’s something wrong that is deeper than the surface.
I really like what Ephesians 4:29 says…
Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.
Definitely makes sense.
The other side asks a question. “Why is cussing so bad, if they’re just words?”
I guess I can see both sides.
Let me know if there are other sides on this that I’m missing.
Starting in my twenties, I found myself saying words that I thought I’d never say. When I found myself cussing I felt something, though. It was either conviction or guilt, so I chose to try and stay away from those words. I still try to stay away from them, but I definitely slip from time to time. And I still feel that guilt. I don’t know if that’s God or my parent’s voice saying not to say those words that causes the guilt.
Anyways, cussing doesn’t seem to be a big deal these days to anyone, whether you call yourself a Christian or not. Maybe it’s just the people I hang around.
How do you feel about cussing?