A person without a plan drifts aimlessly like a chunk of driftwood. Without a target you just become an extra in the film. The only purpose you serve is someone else’s toe-hold.
Understanding how to set detailed goals will help you find clarity and stay on course. You may be aimlessly drifting, hunting for your way, your passion, your purpose. Maybe a significant life event has put you in unchartered waters without a paddle, map or compass. Working on the goal setting process will produce a measured, directional focus towards the things you seek in life.
Why you must set goals that get results.
The reason behind goal setting is to develop directional focus and measure progress towards your desires. Goals help reduce drifting, which brings more productivity and greater focus. Having goals can motivate you into action. Goals also increase efficiency and effectiveness by you being intentional about what you want, and they assist you in becoming successful in your ambitions. Goals also develop habits, which result in increased productivity.
What to do next
In goal setting you can discuss several different approaches. I take a hybrid approach, borrowing from several ideas.
Wheel of Life or Whole Life Concept includes setting goals in 7 areas of your life; Financial, Spiritual, Intellectual, Family, Physical, Career and Social. Set a goal in each one of these areas to have a rounded life. I recommend these goals become your Big Hairy Audacious Goals. These are the goals that you wish to accomplish over your lifetime.
Use SMART to formulate each one of your goals and write them down on paper. Keep your goals visible or revisit them regularly.
Specific – This is what you want.
Measured – Put a number on it.
Attainable – Do you have the time and resources? Is this realistic?
Relevant – Does this breach my values? Does it have a bearing on me?
Time – How long will this take? What is my deadline?
Time is an important consideration when goal setting. I suggest starting with the end in mind and establishing lifelong goals. Then you can build your plan of action with short and mid-range goals that pave the way for the accomplishment of lifelong goals.
The keys to awesome goal setting
- When planning your goals, you should develop the plan of action. Not doing so will affect your routine and your other goals.
- When conflicts arise, recommit yourself to the goals and compromise.
- Split the difference, stay balanced, be willing to adjust your plan of action or the goals, so you can fulfill both.
- It is going to require time for change to become a habit. Repetition is important in building habits.
- Goal setting to please others will end in failure. You will lose interest because it is not about or for you.
- Stumbles and falls do not mean you are a failure. Just make some changes and press forward.
- Reward yourself for progress, so you develop a craving for accomplishment. Small victories get the fly wheel spinning. Once you get cranking, you are just giving it a nudge occasionally.
The takeaway
Having a specific, directional plan with the ability to measure progress will help you in achieving your desires in life. You don’t have to be a ship dead in the water drifting, waiting to be rescued. Cast your eyes upon the horizon, chart your course and take over the helm.
What area would you like to see an improvement on this year?