Outside of the professional sphere of my life, I love to consume information. I am not saying I don’t consume information at work, because I most certainly do (otherwise I probably wouldn’t have a job), but the information I love to consume is the kind I get after work is over.
After I get home from work, I generally go for a walk or run. Probably half of the time I go do this, I do it without headphones so that I have time to clear my head and just think through everything going on in my life. It is a great time of digestion and if I take headphones with me, I am far too tempted to listen to music. However, the other half of the time I grab my headphones and dive into my exercise. Occasionally I will listen to music, but for the most part I plan to dive into a podcast. Most of them aren’t terribly long so I will listen to one or two or I will put my headphones away and continue the conversation about what I just heard inside my head.