The phrase, “There’s an app for that.” has become just about as common as “Google it.” did a few years ago. It’s something the geniuses at Apple came up with in their marketing plan for the iPhone. It puts forth the idea that no matter what you need, what you are trying to find, or what you are trying to do, there’s an app for that.

And in 2014, that statement is pretty true. There is an app for almost anything you can think of. Some are very useful, like my Google maps app that I use to estimate my time of arrival and find out where I’m going in a different city. Then there are apps that have no real use at all like these apps voted most useless by PC Mag. But some apps have real value, and depending upon how you use them, they can provide value in many different ways. There are relationship apps, but I don’t use any of the apps advertised as “relationship apps.” I have found there are some other apps that are beneficial to our relationships, though.
Below are the 7 most valuable apps for my relationship.
Google calendar
If it wasn’t for our Google calendar app on our phones, then my wife and I would probably have a lot more disagreements. The ability to schedule appointments, invite the other person, or just have it show in their calendar, so they don’t schedule anything in that time, has been huge. Without it we may have some trouble trying to balance everything, and make all the activities and events we have going on as a family of five.
What can I say about Evernote? I can’t say enough. Mine has everything in it. I use it to store househould information, medical records, personal information, and one of the best uses I’ve found is to keep “notes” on my wife. I try to study my wife, and Evernote is where I keep my “study notes.” I have her wish lists, birthday ideas for her, consumer research on items we hope to purchase, and much more all tagged Stephana. I encourage you all to use Evernote as your study journal for your spouse, too.
YouVersion Bible
Every morning my wife and I pray and read our Bibles together, using our YouVersion Bible app. It is probably #1a or #1b, as far as being my most important app (Evernote being the other). Not only do we read it together in the mornings, but I use it as my primary Bible, even at church. As a Christian I want to always have the Word of God with me, and for the verses I haven’t memorized, they are always a touch away.
Dropbox & Google Drive
Sharing information is super easy in 2014, and it’s super important for a homeschooling family who runs two businesses from home. The ability to share files, documents, and information easily enables us to stay somewhat organized (smile), and locate what we need when working on projects and being homeschool teachers. Using Dropbox and Google Drive comes in handy. Google Drive even allows us to simultaneously edit documents.
Mobile banking app
Finances are listed as one of the main causes of divorces in many cases. They are something to really pay attention to in any marriage. Therefore, it’s important to stay on top of our finances. Being able to check our account balance, deposit checks, and pay bills at any time of day from anywhere helps us to avoid many of the financial pitfalls that end marriages.
While I’m the only one who uses Nozbe it helps me tremendously, therefore it helps my wife and our relationship tremendously. I’m forgetful and if I don’t write it down, i.e. put it in my task manager, then there’s about a 90% chance it will not get done. Whether it is a honey-do project, a task for our kids, or anything else, Nozbe helps me stay on task. It also helps me to not have to be concerned with what I have to do or when things are due. Nozbe is very helpful.
Pandora & Spotify
In addition to our morning routine of praying and reading our Bibles in the morning, music is a big part of our morning routine. On any given morning you’ll hear one of our phone’s playing our favorite Pandora stations. It helps us to get going in the morning, helps motivate my wife through tough tasks during the day, and helps me focus when writing.