Yes, life has been busy lately. But, not too busy for close relationships.
My first response to people wanting or needing something from me is usually “I’m too busy” without giving the situation more thought than that. I mean I was supposed to meet with three different people this past week and I ended up telling them all that I was just too busy. To be honest, my response to them bummed me out. I love those guys.
Well, I’m sitting in Starbucks drinking another Mocha Coconut Frappuccino right now thinking about my week. Dang, I love this drink. Anybody read this blog that works at Starbucks? I need to know how to make this drink at home.
Anyways, I’m thinking about all the missed opportunities that I want back. And no I can’t change the past, but I can plan my days better for the future. So, I know some planners have to read this blog, right?
How do you handle your hustle?
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