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As I look back over our journey, I realize that everything that we have worked for has been a marathon. When I say this, I mean that life’s journeys have brought us through valleys and mountains. That’s life. But, it is what we take from the journey and what we do with the journey that sets us apart.
This is because life is a marathon, not a sprint.
You see, when we take life for what it is and all the bumps and twists and turns and decide that life will give us these, we are set up for success. We know it will be a long journey and we know we will need endurance for the race. On the other hand, when we take life as a sprint, we are quickly exhausted, not mentally prepared and wonder when the struggle to stay ahead and have balance will be over. In other words, a sprint is a race that is quickly over because it is a much shorter distance than a marathon. In a marathon we know to pace ourselves, but in a sprint we know we must come off the line with all cylinders firing and that it will all be over soon.
Apply this metaphor to your own story. You could be at the point in life where you finally feel like you have “arrived”. While I don’t personally feel that this ever really happens, there are those mountains in life where you can look over the landscape behind you and see the long journey and valleys you have just endured that culminates to a life pinnacle. Is this where you are? Are you finally taking the opportunity to enjoy the scenery? What was this journey like for you? Does it feel like it took awhile to finally get to where you are today? Maybe it did or maybe you feel like a fraud because it happened so quickly. Whatever the case may be in this moment for you, I will be the first to encourage you to grab hold of this moment and take the time to celebrate it with your family and friends. These big moments don’t come every day for most, so relish in the splendor of your feat. You really do deserve this moment.
Or, maybe you are at a point in life where you have been in the race for a long time now and are wondering if and when it will ever end? Maybe you don’t see the end in sight and rare planning on holding on just a little bit longer in hopes to see a glimpse of light to help you endure just a little longer. If this moment doesn’t come for you, then you are debating on throwing in the towel and giving up. Hey! Please wait if you are wanting to make this irrational decision. Usually in times of despair where I was becoming fed up with my circumstances and ready to walk away from it all, breakthrough was right around the corner.
You see, I gave myself the challenge to finish more of what I start. I am great at starting things, which is a great trait to possess, but finishing my worthwhile goals has always been a rather towering challenge in my life. This being said, one word became my mantra for 2014 and that word is, FINISH. In 2013, I started a lot of things, but again that is just half the battle. Today, I am reminded that finishing what we set out to accomplish in the first place is where our reward is at. Here is some sound advice for all of this in this stage of the race…
Keep going, follow through and finish what you started.
Or, maybe you are just beginning on your journey? Maybe you are at a point in life where you have just ended a big chapter in life and are ready for the next big thing. Maybe you feel the need to sprint and this is your reminder that things will come to you, but no matter what you need to put the work in. The benefits and rewards won’t come to you without the journey. They just won’t. To fall in love with the process and the journey is the sweet spot in life, because if you have to go through it anyways then you might as well love it, right? So, if this is you and where you are at now, let me encourage you to look around and love this moment. Fall in love with right now, because if you don’t you will miss opportunities and your absolute best moments in life.
Let this message be your encouragement, but also let this message be your sanity…
Life is a marathon, not a sprint.