We all have bills and financial obligations of some sort. Even if you’re not out living on your own, you have to travel, eat, and clothe yourself. And unless you’ve hit the lottery, you are probably limited in the amount of funds to go around.
Budgets are amazing tools. They give you visibility in how you are managing your money and where it might be wise to cut back. At the beginning of every month, I take a look at how well I did last month and what I might want to change for the upcoming month.
During this process of reflection and planning, I inevitably come to a point where I wish I had just a little more to go around. So, I try to apply creativity to my budget when possible and find ways to stretch it just a little bit further.
Here are three tips I’ve developed over many years of budgeting that take a creative approach to keep my budget in check, while still enjoying life:
[Read more…] about Creative Approaches To Managing Your Money