My favorite YouTube video of 2010 is most definitely “Double Rainbow” That guy is just awesome.
My other favorite would have to be “The Bed Intruder Song“.
- A. Smith Blog - Leadership in Life
My favorite YouTube video of 2010 is most definitely “Double Rainbow” That guy is just awesome.
My other favorite would have to be “The Bed Intruder Song“.
I know, I know. 2010 isn’t quite over yet, but it’s close. It’s hard to believe that this decade is almost over.
As I think about this last decade, my mind goes to two events. 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. Of course this is because those are two events that happened on American soil. The photos really depicted a hurting, confused and frustrated nation. Although these are terrible events, there were tons of other terrible things that happened in the last ten years. Such as the financial crisis, war in Iraq, the Indian Ocean tsunami and Michael Jackson’s death. That last one doesn’t really go with the other things listed, but I’m leaving it.
There were also a lot of great things that happened as well. It’s always seems harder to name the good things that happened, but here are some of those:
Lance Armstrong won his seventh Tour de France.
Electronics became even thinner.
100 million iPods sold
The list really could go on for a while.
Now, I won’t mention presidents because some of you would put Obama in your good column. And some of you would put Bush in your good column.
For us personally the biggest events were getting married, finding out that we were pregnant and moving to Colorado. The last ten years were huge!
What was your big event of the decade? Good or bad.