Many times people will wonder why they aren’t having new ideas, but looking at their schedule will tell you why. These days, it is very rare that people leave ample time in their schedules to even think. This practice of filling each day to the brim may feel like productivity is taking place, but what’s really happening is exhaustion and eventual burnout. We must be careful that our lives aren’t all work, leaving no time to think of new ideas. If this is where you are at, you aren’t leaving room for creativity to take place, you aren’t leaving room for new ideas to come to you, and you aren’t leaving room for impacting people. When all of these things are absent, it’s impossible to live a better life.
So, if you are having trouble finding more time in your schedule, here are three ways to make more time to have new ideas:
First, set aside time for brainstorming new ideas when you are at your best.
Notice that I didn’t say to put this at the beginning or at the end of your day. I realize that everyone performs better at different times of the day, but being self-aware and knowing when you are at your best is imperative for this idea to work. If you are at your best in the morning, then grab your coffee and go sit in your favorite quiet spot. Don’t be pressed for time, and take your pen and notepad to write whatever comes to you. Don’t edit any ideas here, as the editing process happens later. No matter how weird the ideas sound that come to you, every idea matters, because they could be ideas that will be built on later. If you tend to do your best work later at night, perform this practice then. It doesn’t matter when this happens, as long as you commit to thinking of new ideas frequently.
Second, stop waiting for more time to appear in your schedule.
Notice that I titled this article, Make More Time to Have New Ideas. Time won’t just come to you, but you have to fight for it. If you haven’t noticed yet, you have to fight for almost everything good in life. Self-discipline doesn’t come easy, but once you set aside the time for creating new ideas, and make the process a habit, better ideas will come more often.
Time won't just come to you, but you have to fight for it. Share on XAnd third, you need to have something you are working towards.
When you have something you’re working towards, your curiosity alone will help you show up day in and day out. At some point, you will have to commit to an idea and press forward with it to see the benefits of your work. No, I’m not recommending this idea process just for the sake of having new ideas, but the idea process is best used when you have a huge idea, so big in fact that it doesn’t seem you can achieve it, but you go after it anyway. When you build ideas on top of each other, and put your very best work and ideas into a project, your ideas will eventually turn into something great.
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