I am now offering guest blog posting opportunities to other writers who will add value to asmithblog.com.
If you decide that you want to write a piece for this site, please meet the following criteria:
- Please include a short bio including who you are, your blog or site and your social media presence.
- Write on one of the topics that this blog is about from your own perspective: conversation and relationships, leadership and social media.
- Make sure content is new and not published on any other site. Content needs to be exclusive to asmithblog.com
- Posts have to be 400-1000 words long.
- Please include any photos, links or other details that need to be included in your article.
- Read about Guest Blogging Etiquette before sending in article.
Once you email me your post, then you will receive an email confirmation within 2 weeks stating whether I will be able to use your article or not. After being selected, you will not be able to publish that piece on any other site, but your own blog or site or your social media outlets. If I am unable to publish your piece on asmithblog.com for any reason, you will be able to use that post anywhere you choose to.
Accepted guest posts will be published on Tuesdays as needed.
Thank you for your interest in asmithblog.com and I am excited to see the material that this community has to share.
Please email your guest post to [email protected].
Photo Credit: Thomas Hawk via Compfight cc