This is my last blog post of the year. Wow, this year went by fast and wow did a lot happen. There were so many great concerts, I met a ton of cool people, made tons of connections online, but my favorite moment has to be the first mountain I saw when I moved to Colorado. There is something so special about mountains that I cannot describe.
What is your favorite moment?
I saw the mountains of Colorado for the first time in 1991 and it is still, to this day, one of my favorite moments.
gotta love em
i agree with you on the mountain comment. we aren't out there yet – but as soon as i drove into denver and saw the mountains amongst the sunset… i was awestruck!
quite awesome
Seeing Keith Urban from 5th row seats. He pointed at me when he was singing "sweet thing" and another time he pointed at me and i pointed back and yelled "you!" and we both laughed. We had a moment of contact and that was really cool for me bc Im a devout KU fan. Y'know, like I know all the words to all of his songs, Sing as loud as I can at his shows, Scream like a teen, etc., That was my best moment in 2009…
haha. awesome
Hight point of '09 was going to Disney with Make-a-Wish with Gavin. Even though it rain every single day we were there it was still an amazing experience that we would have never been able to do with out the help of a awesome organization.
thats really cool