The most important thing that I’ve ever realized is that I control myself. What I mean by that is that it is nobody else’s fault when I find myself in a situation that isn’t necessarily ideal or to my liking. I made choices along the way to help me get to that point. Nobody else got me there. Blaming others is thrown out the window at this point. When you start taking responsibility for your own actions, your decisions begin to matter more. Your successes don’t become accidents; they become intentional.
never satisfied
this is that thing that is my weakness, but i guess it could also be a strength in many cases.
i always want the next thing.
as soon as i reach a goal, then i’m on to the next one.
i wish i wasn’t this way.
i want to be happy for my success and take time to celebrate.
this is just something i have to learn to do.
Lord, help me to be thankful for everything single thing you give to me. Make me step back and count my blessings. Thank you and Amen.
What is that thing you struggle with?
fasting experiences
When I’ve fasted in the past, God really shows up. In 2008 I started the year off with a fast and I got clearer direction. I fasted at the beginning of 2009 and my life totally turned around. We were in Colorado by the end of the year. I fasted at the beginning of 2010 for clarity and came out feeling refreshed. The biggest part of the fasts weren’t necessarily food, even though that was pretty difficult. My favorite part was being intentional with my time, without being online at all for the time of fasting. In this day and age and with what I do, the internet helps with communicating what I need to say, whether it be through email or social media. I turned it all off for three weeks and came out with a better sense of what the right priorities were.
I recommend a fast for anyone needing direction in life, if that’s what you feel you need to do.
Have you ever fasted before?
What were your reasons for fasting?
What have been your experiences with fasting?