If you don’t know, baseball is my favorite sport. It always has been and always will be. I was a pitcher up until high school and decided to quit because I didn’t see a future in it. In addition to not seeing a future, I lost my passion for the game. Instead of going through another baseball season I went and got a job so I could make some money to buy my first car.
The Atlanta Braves were my favorite team growing up. But now that I live in Colorado, I feel my new favorite team should be the Colorado Rockies. Here is a conversation I had with a friend from Georgia today.
(Above the talk about the Rockies’ baseball season in that text message, we talked about balloon boy. You forgot about him, didn’t you? Oh, and Nate’s last name isn’t really, Hump. It’s Humphreville. I thought I should let you know that.)
What is something you thought you would end up doing later on in life when you were growing up, but ended up losing a passion for?
I have much the same story.
I was playing baseball all the way up to my senior year in high school and then realized that the best I could do was play at a Junior college and hope to make it to a small D1 school. Not worth it.
That was my plan, play baseball for the rest of my life.
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sounded like a good plan, huh?
first of all, can i just say that this reminded me how much we miss nate and you and jasmine.
also, baseball is the best sport ever. i'm playing my tenth year of softball now. started when i was 5.
haha. well thanks
Baseball is MY favorite sport as well. In order, Cardinals, Braves, Diamondbacks, Rockies. (but the Rockies and Diamondbacks kind of go back and forth between 3rd & 4th place in my mind). Glad to hear the upcoming season is exciting to you as well Adam.
Wish I lived closer to major league (National) ball parks. Tho I'd definitely go to an AL game if I had the opportunity!
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I love me some baseball…go Rox!
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there ya go
I love me some baseball too! Dodgers all the way…or whoever is playing the Giants, Yankees, and Angels.
Now back to passion…I had a deep passion for dance ever since I can remember, but life happened and I stopped dancing. Still, I ached to dance again. Finally I prayed that ache would be filled (with acceptance that my dancing days were done or an opportunity to…gulp…dance again). God answered and I'm now dancing (and teaching) again. *cheesy grin*
It's kind of funny, I'm kind of the opposite. I loved baseball growing up but I was too lazy to work at it. Played in college until I got married, but now I'm in better shape than I ever was and wish I had that 2nd chance to actually make a go of it. Now I'm stuck with slow pitch softball which is nowhere near the same!
Go Cardinals!
My recent post Looking for the living
awesome bro
Hockey is my favourite sport! Always has and always will be! 🙂
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and i love hockey as well
when I was 3yrs old I wanted to be a over the road heavy hawler (truck driver), look like Johnny cash, be either a marine, green bera, or navy seal. then about 8 desided trucking was becoming to easy, & wanted to be a hells angel, a ship dock worker, a exsplosives tecion, & a assasen, 12, I wanted to be a bouncer, roady, have a animal reserve. 14, a baseball bat "minestery" to beat the crap out of parents who where beating the crap out of there kids, a street consler, & a avicat for the mentily ill with the polece force. at six teen I gave up on dreaming peored & had no passion really till 32 when I wanted to start a minstery in the st louis aria for the GLBT commuinty. none of these passions have ever really came to forishion but I have been able to incorperate many of these passions in to volinteer Jobs. but God in the last few years has seen fit to drag me waaaay out of my confort zone & I have been asked severl times to do a few speaking engagements. so you never know what path your life is going to take.
thats awesome and so true