Today, I want to talk to you about where you are at mentally. I believe that once you overcome the mental battles we all face on a daily basis, the physical and spiritual areas of life come so much easier. They even come naturally, if you will. This is because most of life and doing great things with your life starts in the mind. Your mind forces you to see things positively and it also will help you see things negatively, if you choose so. I am here to tell you that if you want to see good fruits in your life and if you want to have a more positive outlook on this world, you need to focus on renewing your mind.
This is so important that the Bible is very clear that it is not a one time thing that happens in your life. The most famous verse on the renewing of the mind is Romans 12:2 which says,
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…
Doing this will give you a Philippians 4:8 mindset. The fact the word “renewing” is used means that it is a constant process that happens on a daily basis. Renewing means to make new or as if new again, or restore. How often do you renew your mind? Now, how often do you need to renew your mind? How often are you completely positive on the life that you live out? How often are you bent towards seeing life through a negative lens? What are you currently doing to renew your mind? How can you implement a renewing of your mind on a daily basis?
I believe these are all questions you need to ask yourself to see where you are in the renewal process. We all need this realignment. When your mind is renewed, you will overcome life’s rough spots. In this you will step out more often against all odds and do great things no matter what outside circumstances are going on in life. When you have already fought and lost the mental battle before you have even started, you are fighting a losing battle. Make the decision prior to going into any situation by renewing your mind on a daily basis. You need this to succeed. Spend some time meditating today on God and His Word to find peace, encouragement, direction, and hope.
Do this and be transformed, today.
Glenn Brooke says
Great reminder, Adam, thanks.